Importador: Agroasis inc
País: Canadá
Fecha de Recepción: 31/10/2006
Fecha de Vigencia: 31/10/2007
PERSONA DE CONTACTO : Farouk Baba- Ahmed Omar : Director
Domicilio: 556 Meloche
Localidad: Dorval, Montreal, Quebec
Código Postal: H9P 2P4
País: Canadá
Teléfono: (01) 514 – 572-2971
Fax: (01) 514 – 344-0874
Argentina Trade Net
ofrecemos miel de egypto
Good afternoon, our company 100% Guatemalan, we have interest in their Demand of Natural Honey, but we need to know if you already has some contact or supplier, although anyway we can send him a quote for future purchases.
Of still not having contact, we need to know some things:
1. What quantity of honey do you need?
2. For when do you need the product?
Ofrecemos miel desde Argentina.
Estimado Farouk Baba- Ahmed Omar :
Por medio de la presente pongo a su disposición nuestros servicios. Somos una empresa que se dedica a la producción y comercialización de miel natural, así como una gran variedad de subproductos producidos a base de miel que serian de gran interés para ustedes, contamos con los más elevados estándares de calidad a nivel nacional e internacional, estamos en proceso de adquirir el certificado de sanidad e inocuidad, que muestra la gran capacitación y concientizacion de producir productos que sean inocuos.
Por el momento nos encontramos en un proceso de reestructuración, somos una empresa con experiencia en el mercado, podemos proporcionarle un tipo de miel muy especial conocida como miel de naranjo que se realiza cuando las abejas solo se concentran en flores de nranjo nuestro producto es de primera calidad.
Si para su comercialización necesita de una presentación del empaque y embalaje, se realizarían las modificaciones necesarias.
Gracias por su atención y esperamos su pronta respuesta
By means of the present one I put to your disposition our services. We are a company that one dedicates to the production and marketing of natural honey, as well as a great variety of by-products produced based on honey that serian of great interest for you, we possess the highest standards of quality to national and international level, are in process of acquiring the certificate of health and innocuousness, which shows the great training and concientizacion of producing products that are innocuous.
For the present time we are in a process of restructuring, are a company with experience on the market, can provide to you a type of very special honey known as honey of orange tree that is realized when the bees only center in flowers of orange our product is of the first quality.
If for your marketing needs from a presentation of the packing and crate, the necessary modifications would be realized.
Aurelio Garcia Munguia Gerente comercial
Estado de mexico, Mexico
Tel: (722)2 78 18 28
Cel: (722)2 94 12 07
Ofrezco miel 100% natural desde Colombia
Dear Farouk Baba- Amhed Omar:
Our friend Mr. Di Donato of Canada by telephone I inform our interest to him in satisfying its order, for it him step our mail but by technical disadvantages we had to change our mail direction.
We are a Consultancy in Trade International of Argentina and some of our clients are producing of honey, our interest this in being able to make them arrive a supply, but we needed to know:
1) Type of honey, here in Argentina there is much variety
2) Amount
3) Divided or in bulk,
4) The purchase is by only time or inasmuch as time,
5) Mode of payment
We waited with great interest its valuable answer
Best Regards.
Lucia Rojas
Buenos Aires
Ofrecemos miel 100 % natural desde Bolivia.
quisira saber cuales son las oportunidades de exportación de miel y polen desde Colombia, Bogotá., que volúmenes y requerimientos se require.
We are producing apicultural of Chile. we have 20,000 kilos of multifloral organic honey to immediate shipment, certified by SKAL International of Holland. Favor to contact us to send quotation.
Estamos conformando una asociación de productores de miel orgánica en Bolivia, Cochabamba, Municipio de tarata, quisieramos saber si ustedes comprarian la miel y cuanto son los requerimientos.
Dear Mr. Farouk BABA,
We are a producer and export company. We have our warehouse at 80 Km far from Buenos Aires, Argentina.
If you need bees honey, white grader colours (Extra White-White) we can suply you.
Please, let me know your ideas, so we will reply and give you our quotation.
Best Regards,
Gustavo Sabelli
Dear Mr. Farouk Baba- Ahmed Omar,
We have been in business for many years now.
We export Argentine Honey.
And we have an office in Canada.
We know the Canadian Market very well, so we know exactly what CFIA requires.
Look Forward to hearing from you soon.
Should you require further information, please feel free to contact me.
Schwab Trading Inc.
Pablo Schwab
2389 Proudfoot Trail
Oakville, Ontario L6M 4Y2
Tel.: 905-827-6298
Fax: 905-847-3982