Importador: Ministerio de Agricultura de Rostov
País: Rusia
Fecha de Recepción: 10/15/2010
Fecha de Vencimiento: 10/15/2011
Contactos : Gukov, Anatoliy
Domicilio: calle Krasnoarmeyskaya, 33
Localidad: Rostov na Donu,
Teléfono: (+7) 863 – 232-05-74
Fax: (+7) 863 – 232-35-19
84248111 Aparatos manuales y fuelles p/proyectar,dispersar o pulverizar fungicidas insecticidas
84248119 Aparatos excluidos manuales,p/proyectar,dispersar o pulverizar fungicidas insecticidas
84248121 Irrigadores y sistemas de riego por aspersión
84248129 Irrigadores y sistemas de riego excluidos por aspersión
84248190 Máquinas p/proyectar,dispersar o pulverizar materias líquidas o polvos,utilizados en agricultura u horticultura,ncop.
84323010 Sembradoras abonadoras
84324000 Esparcidores de estiércol y distribuidores de abonos
84328000 Máquinas,aparatos y artefactos agrícolas,hortícolas o silvícolas,ncop.
Comercio con Argentina: No
Observaciones: Cabe destacar que la provincia de Rostov abarca un área de alrededor de 100 mil km2 que equivale a la superficie ocupada por Bélgica, Dinamarca y Holanda en su totalidad. Es la región donde se encuentran las mayores plantaciones de girasoles en Rusia y sus tierras son fértiles. El Ministerio de Agricultura de Rostov esta interesado en suministros de maquinaria industrial, agrícola, y plantas llave en mano. 8424200000 – Pulverizadores y aparatos análogos, 84.32.30- sembradoras abonadoras, 8432800000 – Demás maquinarias
Argentina Trade Net
Buenos dias. Como director de LLASS servicios industriales, les quiero comentar que nuestra empresa se dedica a la automatizacion y montaje de plantas de acopio, plantas de elevoracion de alimentos balanceados, aceiteras etc., por lo que les dejo mi contacto a fin de poder establecer relaciones comerciales con ustedes.
Dear Gukov, Anatoliy
We are a Company dedicated to manufacture Sorting and Grading machinery for
fruits and vegetables. The company in based in Valencia-Spain.
TECNOFRUTA LEVANTE S.L is a Company with over 30 years experience in the
field of oranges and post-harvest machinery, components and after-sales
To give you an a more accurate idea, we invite you to visit our website:
As Russia is becoming an important player to considerate for the fruits,
vegetables and other fruits market , our goal is to reach some association
in this field on long term basis, sharing our experience and technology with
the yours for marketing or distributing our sorting and grading lines in
Russia and neighbor markets and to get the most competitive price for a
complete line with the most updated technology.
As you have the knowledge of this kind of business and the mind of the
russian customers, it would be interesting to look at what points we could
provide better care. Obviously, we know that we are living in a cost
sensitive market, and it is important to get the best quality / price ratio.
The wide range of our products come from:
– Electronics Sizers , Dumpers, Bin Fillers, and the complete sorting
and grading line for fruits and vegetables
– Degreening rooms System.
– Nylon and Horse hair Bushes, Latex Rings, and many other components
that we are serving to our customers in South America and India for its
good price and excellent quality.
We are very well introduced in the Spanish Market , making export operations
to Morocco, Egypt, South America, Poland, Turkey, Iran and India.
Our companies are in the cradle of citrus production in Valencia together
with other fruits and vegetables, and the technology and machinery for the
sector have all the safeguards and prestige inside and outside Spain.
We propose a wide range of possibilities to collaborate for the russian
market and other export markets you may have.
For any further information, please, Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you
have any questions.
We look forward to doing business with you in the near future.
Yours faithfully,
Emilio García
c/Xaloc 23
CARLET (Valencia)-Spain
Tf.: +34600499099