Exportación de vino – Belarús

Importador: BRANDKO S.A.

País: Belarús

Fecha de Recepción: 13/06/2006

Fecha de Vigencia: 13/06/2007

PERSONA DE CONTACTO : Vorobel Dmitriy : Subdirector de Marketing

E-mail: divor@tut.by

Domicilio: Tsentralnaya 47

Localidad: Minsk

Código Postal: 220021

País: Belarús

Teléfono: (375) 17 – 273-93-91

Fax: (375) 17 – 70-80-900

E-mail: divor@tut.by


220421 –En recipientes con capacidad inferior o igual a 2 l
220429 –Los demás

Argentina Trade Net

Publicado en: Vinos
7 comments on “Exportación de vino – Belarús
  1. Claudio A Fili dice:

    Sr. Dimitriy:
    Estoy en condiciones de satisfacer su necsidad de producto represento un consorcio exportador de vinos . a la brevedad nos estaremos poniendo en contacto con ud. para conocer más detalles sobre su demanda


    Claudio A Fili

  2. Dear Dimitriy :

    Servicios JAT is an Argentine company that builds wine systems and markets them throughout Latin America. A pioneer enterprise in South America , our company has developed the wine dispenser designed for restaurants, pubs, wine bars, caterings, hotels and individuals. What is a Dispenser ? The Wine dispenser is a refrigerated display units wich allows keep wines from the moment they are uncorked for up two weeks, serving them at proper temperature, while preserving its attributes after opening the bottle. I think you could be interested in our Wine dispenser if you are looking for different ways of marketing.


  3. Est de notre plaisir de se adresser nous à à Vous relatif à la commande qui estan

    intéressés à commercialiser. Nous sommes une entreprise productrice y

    commerciale de Vins, dont variétaux ils estan dans les blancs :

    Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonay/chennin blanc et dans ce qui est ROUGES,

    Nous avons les suivants variétaux : Malbec/Pin Noir/Syrah /Cabernet


    Contamaos avec la capacité et la technologie pour approvisionner tout marché

    International, sous les normes et les spécifications réglementée.

    Pour savoir de notre entreprise debera entrer dans http://www.bodegastoscano.com.ar

    et là nous pourrons commencer à auquel il compte ses inquiétudes et nécessités y

    pouvoir ainsi arriver à avoir un cours.

    Doit seulement entrer dans notre page … lui attend … merci.

  4. нашего удовольствия адресовать нас к с вам relating to заказ estan

    заинтересовано выйти на рынок. Мы будем производительным предпринимательством y

    реклама вин, of which varietal они estan в белизне:

    Sauvignon Blanc/белые Chardonay/chennin и в КРАСНО,

    Мы имеем varietal следовать за: Malbec/черная сосенка/Syrah /Cabernet


    Contamaos с емкостью и технологией поставить очень пойдено

    Международно, под стандартами и спецификациями отрегулировал.

    Знать нашего debera воли компании для того чтобы войти http://www.bodegastoscano.Com.задий

    и там мы будем начали с к для этого подсчитывает свои заботы и нужен y

    к таким образом управляйте иметь курс.

    Сусло только входит нашу страницу … ждет … благодарит вас к ему.

  5. Considered,
    I REPRESENT bodega ALTA ESPERANZA, warehouse is in the city of TINOGASTA – CATAMARCA – ARGENTINA;
    At the moment we exported to the markets of DENMARK, GERMANY and AUSTRALIA being our intention the one to enter wines in your market; In the case of being interested I request to them answer the present mail that with taste will offer greater information them;

    Warm Greetings

    to alejandro@vaira.com.ar

  6. Santiago Barimboim dice:


    We are a winery located in Mendoza, Argentina, and we produce and sale wines in bulk. Our wines are from different varieties and they have an excellent quality/price ratio.
    We also can sale our wines in bottles, if exist an adequate request.

    If you are interesting in Argentine´s wines, you can contact us by mail to bgaranzuglia@hotmail.com for more information. We will be happy get back to you promptly.

    Best regards,
    Santiago Barimboim
    Bodega Ranzuglia

  7. Dear Mr Dmitriy:

    We produce young and aged wines in Mendoza and San Juan provinces in Argentina.

    We can supply high volume contracts due to our tank capacity and your winemakers are welcomed to work along with our people to define the products that best match your customer´s needs.

    We can provide you with brochure of our wineries and wines upon request and we would very much appreciatte your telling us what kind of wines and business you are aiming to.

    Yours sincerely,

    Alex Carrillo

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