Trade promotion activities to the European markets

23 al 27 de Octubre – Quito, Ecuador
Content With the training “Commercial Attachés” the Centre for the Promotion of Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) aims to improve the knowledge and skills of commercial attachés in the field of export marketing and promotion techniques. Programme The following items are included in the programme: · Trade structures and business practices in the European Union; · Marketing and trade promotion techniques; · Carrying out market research on the European market; · Matching exporters needs with the requirements of the EU markets; Target audience Participants of this training are junior/median commercial attachés or counsellors.

During their daily work, participants are involved in advising exporters and trade promotion activities to the European markets.

The following items are included in the programme:

· Trade structures and business practices in the European Union;
· Marketing and trade promotion techniques;
· Carrying out market research on the European market;
· Matching exporters needs with the requirements of the EU markets;

Target audience
Participants of this training are junior/median commercial attachés or counsellors. During their daily work, participants are involved in advising exporters and trade promotion activities to the European markets.

Further information
For further information on attending the workshop and venue please contact Corpei, who is responsible for logistical organization and critical selection of participants on location:
Francisco Rivadeneira:

Duration: 5 days
Start date: October 23, 2006
End date: October 27, 2006
Location: Ecuador; Quito

Publicado en: Capacitación, Comercio Exterior, Ecuador, Internacionalización

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